I have finished assembling my OX CNC Router and it is configured in a Landscape Profile that has 1.5 Meters on the X and Slaved A Axis and 1 Meter on the Y Axis with 500 Millimeters on the Z Axis.
My question is: What do I enter in for my Soft Limits so that I don't end up crashing into the ends of the machines working envelope?
I have Mach3 as well as UCCNC and I would prefer to use the UCCNC Controller Ultimately because it works through a USB Port. I am running a Gecko G540 Driver and...
Initial Soft Limits Determination
My question is: What do I enter in for my Soft Limits so that I don't end up crashing into the ends of the machines working envelope?
I have Mach3 as well as UCCNC and I would prefer to use the UCCNC Controller Ultimately because it works through a USB Port. I am running a Gecko G540 Driver and...
Initial Soft Limits Determination