Hi Guys,
Need a little help as I can admit I am a little stumped and one of our customers is having some issues we would like to get solved as soon as possible!
They are running a standard OX with GRBL (one of the early 0.9 releases from memory) and a protoneer CNC shield on an arduino uno.
I have given what help comes to mind already but would love a few more minds on the issue as I may have missed something very simple and keen to see him up and running again!
The original...
Ox keeps stopping randomly - Please help me troubleshoot
Need a little help as I can admit I am a little stumped and one of our customers is having some issues we would like to get solved as soon as possible!
They are running a standard OX with GRBL (one of the early 0.9 releases from memory) and a protoneer CNC shield on an arduino uno.
I have given what help comes to mind already but would love a few more minds on the issue as I may have missed something very simple and keen to see him up and running again!
The original...
Ox keeps stopping randomly - Please help me troubleshoot