Channel: OpenBuilds
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C-Beam - My thoughts

Hi all new to the forum and cnc

Just a few thoughts and issues with the C-beam kit/bundle

This kit was purchased from a uk supplier - what I have since found out is packaged by them

First of the issues was Missing and wrong parts 5 missing nuts, wrong size washers for the z axis and 3 missing 3mm spacers, A simple build made that bit more frustrating, got the kit 60% built to find the lots of the M5 - 8mm bolts are 10mm - another 2 days wasted - another thing that seemed wrong was the...

C-Beam - My thoughts

CNC xPRO Driver

Michael published a new build:

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C-Beam Double X

Laurence Carroll published a new build:

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TB6600 and xPro on OX

My initial build used the xPro V2 and I love the form factor and virtually everything about the all in one driver. But I did experience many of the trials of setup for getting the current setting right. With all the tweaking and micro stepping set, I still got rough movement when cutting hard material - had to slow the feed rate down which I think contributed to the problem.

Decided to experiment with a Chinese TB6600 4 axis board and I know all the negative warnings, but I thought it would be...

TB6600 and xPro on OX

I need some help...

I finally got a little time to work on my CNC machine.

I'm trying to get the Grbl configuration settings entered, and I'm struggling.

I found a site on the internet ( http://noblesque.org.uk/ShapeOko/grblcalc/ ) and was trying to work through the calculations. At this point, I have removed all step jumpers on my CNC Xpro controller board. Here is some specific information about my machine: It's modeled after the Open Builds OX design with an overhead gantry. I'll be running a...

I need some help...

Linux CNC; anyone use it?

My first CNC router, made from the scratch. Ideas, opinions, hints are welcomed

Updated: 09/12/2015

Hi! First of all, sorry for my rough english, I'll try to do my best ;)

I'm planning my first CNC, and I want to make it on my way, an extra effort to full understanding of how this machines works. I'm using Inkscape and FreeCAD, because are Free (GPL) and easy to use.

In short, my goals are:

- 600mm*600mm*150mm working area.
- Low budget.
- Simplicity and versatility.
- Completely custom, from the scratch. No OX and other derivates.
- A special effort to achieve...

My first CNC router, made from the scratch. Ideas, opinions, hints are welcomed

Ask Grbl CNC questions here.

Hello Open Builds Community!

I'm the lead developer of the Grbl CNC project, which is the firmware that runs most of the Arduino/AVR-based CNC machines out there. Mark Carew has recently brought me on board, and I'll be available to answer any Grbl-related questions or help troubleshoot problems here on this forum.

Please feel free to start a new thread. Thanks!


Seems more and more collaborators want Virility X3. I went to the round table discussion on Virility X3. Virility X3 has oodles of convenient and significant benefits to ever be unimportant. My gut instinct tells me that you have a capacity about Virility X3. You by that time know the result of a Virility X3 that establishes a medium for a Virility X3. Yet, "Ignorance is bliss."...


Hot Wire CNC Foam cutter

rcKeith published a new build:


Hot Wire CNC Foam cutter

Z axis rigidity

As I have started using my Ox (Cebu) more, I've noticed some flex in the z axis. At first I thought it was the x axis beams, and was planning to bolt them together. However, it seems like the x axis beams are fairly stable, and the flex is coming from the z axis components themselves. The z axis extrusion with motor on top can move back a bit without moving the x axis beams. The carriage wheels on the z axis assembly are quite tight against the x axis.

It looks like the flex is coming from...

Z axis rigidity


Mega-Maker Combo Machine

Hytech2k published a new build:

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CNC Router (Non OX)

Pretty Standard + Slave X Axis

Skoobs published a new build:

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C-Beam™ Machine - Plate Maker

OX Plates

Hi guys.

Is anyone interested in uk 6mm gantry plates £65 delivered to the UK. Other countries possible but delivery will be worked out at cost and added on

I need multiples of 12 sets for this price.

If anyone wants a set let me know and I'll start a list.


Round 1 List: 12/12

1. Plexer - Ben (Confirmed)
2. Oximoron (Confirmed, Payment info messaged, Payment received, Shipped)
3. 1972 - Chris (Confirmed, Payment info messaged, Payment received, Shipped)
4. alistag - Alistair...

OX Plates

CNC Hot Wire Cutter 4 Axis for Cutting Foam Wings

What's your maker space/workshop look like?

I'm fascinated with how different people make things. Here we have a group of people from around the world who have a love of making things and building and using CNC machines.

With the possible exception of a young guy in a city apartment that means you have someplace to work besides the kitchen table or living room floor. :) We all call them our workshop no matter where they are or how the rest of the family see the space. They may call it a basement or garage or utility room or just a...

What's your maker space/workshop look like?

Finally finished with the new build in SW and was wondering...

I am not sure how well this build will go in the real world but in the end you will still need 3 printed parts (the hot end holder and two belt holders due to the way things do not line up) and I haven't touched my piece of junk printer since May (too many odd issues) but I think I could squeeze out something enough to get on this build and make the parts better.

Now when it is all said and done the bed only moves in Z (YAY, no more banding and taller prints are doable) and all wheels + vslot...

Finally finished with the new build in SW and was wondering...
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